Complete spirometer in one touch
Spirometry Test
FVC, VC, IVC, MVV, PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison with a wide range of selectable parameters.
Spirometry test interpretation
Embedded Temperature sensor for BTPS conversion.

Memory up to 10.000 Spirometry tests 
or 900 hours of Oximetry (if available) recording coupled with powerful and flexible search services.
Rechargeable, long-life battery
Traffic light health indicator
for immediate test interpretation.
LCD Backlit Touch screen Display
 With on-screen results and curves preview for immediate data assessment.
Winspiro PRO® PC software (always included)
 Real Time test on PC, includes free online updates, and provides Real Time Flow/Volume and Volume/Time curves with PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison on your PC. Quanjer 2012-GLI Predicted values with LLN and Z-score.
Available with both DISPOSABLE or REUSABLE turbine flowmeter.

Spirometry Parameters
FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEV1/VC, PEF, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25–75, Lung Age, Extrap. Volume, FET, FEV3, FEV3/FVC, FEV6, FEV1/FEV6, FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC, PIF, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, Rf, VE, VT, tI, tE, VT/tI, tE/tTOT, MVV measured, MVV calculated.

Oximetry parameters
SpO2 and Pulse Rate (Baseline, Min, Max, Average), T90% (SpO2<90%), T89% (SpO2<89%), T88% (SpO2<88%), T5% (∆SpO2>5%), ∆Index (12s), SpO2 Events, Pulse Rate Events (Bradycardia, Tachycardia), Step counter, Physical Activity (VMU), Recording time, Analysis time.

6 Minute Walk Test – Specific parameters (Optional)
O2–Gap, Estimated Distance, Walked Distance, Predicted Distance (Min, Standard), T∆2% (SpO2≥2%), T∆4% (∆SpO2≥4%), Time (Rest, Walking, Recovery), Desaturation Area/Distance Optional dataentry: BorgDyspnea(Baseline, End,Change), BorgFatigue (Ba- seline, End, Change), Arterial blood pressure (Systolic, Diastolic), Oxygen administered.

Sleep analysis – Specific parameters (Optional)
Body position, SpO2 Events, Desaturation Index (ODI), Desaturation (Mean Value, Mean duration, Longest duration, Nadir Peak), ∆SpO2 (Min Drop, Max Drop), Total Variations, Pulse Rate Index, NOD89% (SpO2< 89%; >5min), NOD4% (SpO2 Basale–4%; >5min), NOD90% (SpO2<90%; Nadir<86%; >5min).